The Centre for Mediterranean, Middle East and Isla...Readmore
The Centre for Mediterranean, Middle East and Isla...Readmore
The Centre for Mediterranean, Middle East and Isla...Readmore
Κατά την τελευταία δεκαετί...Readmore
E-lecture by Nicholas Noe on "Trump & the Dangers of Making Lebanon Great Again" |
E-lecture by Ziad Bahaa Eldin on "Egyptian foreign policy after October 7" |
E-lecture by Magid Shihade on "Settler Colonialism" |
Beyond the State: Non-State Actors in the Middle East | Middle East Bulletin 45 |
Συρία: Ο δρόμος μπροστά |
Ibn Khaldūn, The MuqaddimahOccupation with the (scholarly) disciplines on the part of those who have no genuine claim to them is widespread. But the pasture of stupidity is unwholesome for mankind. No one can stand up against the authority of truth, and the evil of falsehood is to be fought with enlightening speculation. The reporter merely dictates and passes on (the material). It takes critical insight to sort out the hidden truth; it takes knowledge to lay truth bare and polish it so that critical insight may be applied to it.
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